National Transit Database: Urban Reporting The goal of this course is to help transit professionals learn the necessary skills for reporting urban data to the NTD internet reporting website. Topics include: Benefits and impacts associated with the NTD annual reporting Defining the apportionments (i.e., Urbanized Area Formula Program - UAFP, Small Transit Intensive Cities - […]
Save the Date — FTA Drug and Alcohol Program National Conference April 2-4, 2024 Save the date for the 17th Annual FTA Drug and Alcohol Program National Conference on April 2-4, 2024 in Atlanta, GA at the Hilton Atlanta, 255 Courtland Street NE The three-day conference is for Drug and Alcohol Program Managers and other […]
Website Builder Office Hours Since 2011, Website Builder has allowed users to create and design websites that are hosted on the National RTAP server free of charge. Recently, National RTAP released Website Builder 3.0 using customer feedback and the latest technology to make creating, editing and launching your website as easy as possible. Check out […]
Active Shooter Preparedness Training for Rural Transit Systems - Overview The virtual Assault Awareness and Prevention for Transit Operators (Train-the-Trainer) course will provide transit agency instructional staff with the support necessary to deliver the Assault Awareness and Prevention course within their agencies. Each registered participant will receive an electronic instructor package that will include an […]
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Office Hours GTFS is split into a schedule component that contains schedule, fare, and geographic transit information and a real-time component that contains arrival predictions, vehicle positions and service advisories. Information about routes, schedules, and fares are represented in basic text files, which means it can be created and maintained […]
Website Builder Office Hours Since 2011, Website Builder has allowed users to create and design websites that are hosted on the National RTAP server free of charge. Recently, National RTAP released Website Builder 3.0 using customer feedback and the latest technology to make creating, editing and launching your website as easy as possible. Check out […]
Assault Awareness and Prevention for Transit Operators (Train-the-Trainer) FTA offers resources to support transit agencies as they work toward implementing the Federal mask requirement while ensuring the safety of transit operators. With our partner, the National Transit Institute (NTI), FTA provides training for transit bus operators on assault awareness and prevention. Intended for: All Cost: Transit […]
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Office Hours GTFS is split into a schedule component that contains schedule, fare, and geographic transit information and a real-time component that contains arrival predictions, vehicle positions and service advisories. Information about routes, schedules, and fares are represented in basic text files, which means it can be created and maintained […]
Transportation and Aging: Challenges and Opportunities in Rural Communities The Center for Healthy Aging and Innovation, in partnership with the Center for Transportation Studies, present the Spring Speaker Series. An interactive webinar on the topic of transportation and aging, with attention to challenges and opportunities in rural areas. This interactive event will feature a main […]
Website Builder Office Hours Since 2011, Website Builder has allowed users to create and design websites that are hosted on the National RTAP server free of charge. Recently, National RTAP released Website Builder 3.0 using customer feedback and the latest technology to make creating, editing and launching your website as easy as possible. Check out […]
Violence in the Transit Workplace - Prevention, Response and Recovery (Train the Trainer) The goal of this course is to provide participants with knowledge and skills to deliver training to transit agency personnel on how to prevent, respond to and recover from workplace violence. Prevention methods covered include implementing system and personal security measures, recognizing […]
Preparing Your Transit System for a Changing (EV) Fleet Bus maintenance veteran and trusted EV expert Halsey King will provide important insights on: - Planning, financing, and implementing a successful transition to an electric bus fleet - Maintaining and repairing electric buses - Training your drivers and technicians to work safely with electric buses - […]
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Office Hours GTFS is split into a schedule component that contains schedule, fare, and geographic transit information and a real-time component that contains arrival predictions, vehicle positions and service advisories. Information about routes, schedules, and fares are represented in basic text files, which means it can be created and maintained […]
Public Involvement in Transportation Decision-Making This course isn't just about simply accepting the public's ideas-it's about strengthening project decision-making, increasing creativity in problem-solving, and making sure project solutions are more durable. This is a highly interactive course that will offer techniques to help participants acknowledge the full spectrum of stakeholders and community members; understand all […]
Website Builder Office Hours Since 2011, Website Builder has allowed users to create and design websites that are hosted on the National RTAP server free of charge. Recently, National RTAP released Website Builder 3.0 using customer feedback and the latest technology to make creating, editing and launching your website as easy as possible. Check out […]
Road to Zero Webinar- Distracted Driving Awareness Month Join this Distracted Driving Awareness Month webinar to hear from a panel of experts on the risks of driving distracted and how mobility safety practitioners are combatting distracted driving in communities across the country. Intended for: All Cost: FREE Register Here: Click here
NARCAN Opioid Overdose Reversal Training Webinar - FREE NARCAN Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 Time: 10:00AM-10:45AM Format: Webinar (Zoom link sent prior to webinar) Registration Limit: 100 Register Here: Click Here Cost: FREE (all registered attendees will receive a FREE 2-dose carton of NARCAN, limit one per agency) ATA is partnering with Wolfe Street Foundation to offer a free […]
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Office Hours GTFS is split into a schedule component that contains schedule, fare, and geographic transit information and a real-time component that contains arrival predictions, vehicle positions and service advisories. Information about routes, schedules, and fares are represented in basic text files, which means it can be created and maintained […]
Early Property Acquisition and NEPA Compliance This webinar, to be presented by Dee Phan and Peter Clark of the Federal Transit Administration on April 25, 2024 at 2:00-3:30 PM ET, will provide an overview of FTA’s policies on early or advanced acquisition of real property for instances where Federal funds are anticipated to be used […]
Enhancing Your Transit Asset Management Program with Lifecycle Management Transit asset management represents a strategic approach to managing transit assets. This course aims to instruct participants on how to implement this approach within their agency and is intended for those familiar with the general principles of asset management and their agency's asset management practices. It […]
Website Builder Office Hours Since 2011, Website Builder has allowed users to create and design websites that are hosted on the National RTAP server free of charge. Recently, National RTAP released Website Builder 3.0 using customer feedback and the latest technology to make creating, editing and launching your website as easy as possible. Check out […]
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Office Hours GTFS is split into a schedule component that contains schedule, fare, and geographic transit information and a real-time component that contains arrival predictions, vehicle positions and service advisories. Information about routes, schedules, and fares are represented in basic text files, which means it can be created and maintained […]
NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION The Arkansas Transit Association complies with all civil rights provisions of federal statutes and related authorities that prohibit discrimination in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. Therefore, the Arkansas Transit Association does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age, national origin, religion or disability, Limited English Proficiency (LEP), or low-income status in the admission, access to and treatment in the Arkansas Transit Association 's programs and activities, as well as the Arkansas Transit Association 's hiring or employment practices. Complaints of alleged discrimination and inquiries regarding the Arkansas Transit Association 's nondiscrimination policies may be directed to Ann H. Gilbert (Title VI ADA/504 Coordinator), 620 W. Broadway St., North Little Rock, AR 72114, 501-372-8900, (Voice/TTY 711), or the following email address: [email protected] or Ann H. Gilbert (Title VI ADA/504 Coordinator), [email protected]. Free language assistance for Limited English Proficient individuals is available upon request. This notice is available from the Title VI ADA/504 Coordinator in large print, on audiotape and in Braille.