GTFS: Three Steps to Trip Planning and Meeting New NTD Reporting Requirements National Transit Database (NTD) reporting in 2023 for fixed and deviated fixed routes will require a link to your agency’s valid and current General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS). GTFS is the international standard used to digitize and publish trip plan data (bus stop […]
Transit Manager Peer Roundtable - Training Focus Join us for an informal roundtable discussion with your transit manager peers to discuss the following training-focused discussion questions: 1. What are your current CDL training challenges and strategies? 2. Do you do “tailgate” training (i.e., short trainings in the parking lot) and if so, what topics do […]
Steering Committees for Inclusive Transit Planning Virtual Roundtable How do you form a successful steering committee? This 1-hour roundtable will explore inclusive strategies and lessons learned for developing steering committees that increase trust, strengthen communication and ultimately improve coordinated transportation services for older adults and adults with disabilities. In this roundtable, project managers from past […]
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Office Hours GTFS is split into a schedule component that contains schedule, fare, and geographic transit information and a real-time component that contains arrival predictions, vehicle positions and service advisories. Information about routes, schedules, and fares are represented in basic text files, which means it can be created and maintained […]
2023 Annual NTD Reporting System Updates The goal of this course is to identify reporting system updates for Report Year 2023. FTA will identify which new data elements are added to the system as a result of updates to the NTD reporting system. It will review all new data elements, basic data formatting requirements, how […]
Provider Ready: Preparedness for Older Adult Service Providers Many older adults depend on community service providers for necessities and psycho-social support. However, these crucial services may be disrupted during disaster, impacting older adults in your community. This workshop prepares organizations that provide critical support services to older adults. The webinar will discuss continuity of operations, […]
Embedding Equity in Project Delivery Thought Leadership Series Webinar A new thought leadership series on best practices to successfully deliver Bipartisan Infrastructure Law projects sponsored by the USDOT Project Delivery Center of Excellence. Intended for: All Cost: FREE Register Here: Click here
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Office Hours GTFS is split into a schedule component that contains schedule, fare, and geographic transit information and a real-time component that contains arrival predictions, vehicle positions and service advisories. Information about routes, schedules, and fares are represented in basic text files, which means it can be created and maintained […]
Introduction to Transit Service Planning This course seeks to have participants understand the public transit service planning process from concept design thru service implementation to service evaluation. By the end of the course, participants will be able to undertake conceptual service planning including service design/redesign, routing and scheduling, stop design, transit service budgeting and resource […]
Introduction to Paratransit Management and Operations The goal of this course is to teach transit professionals the skills needed to effectively manage and operate paratransit services. Intended for: All Cost: FREE (seats limited) Register Here: Click here
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Office Hours GTFS is split into a schedule component that contains schedule, fare, and geographic transit information and a real-time component that contains arrival predictions, vehicle positions and service advisories. Information about routes, schedules, and fares are represented in basic text files, which means it can be created and maintained […]
FTA Uniform Act Basics for Transit Agency Personnel This is a short survey-type training session intended to introduce participants to the topic of real estate acquisition for FTA-funded projects. This training will describe what a grantee needs to know when acquiring property with an FTA grant. The grant language mandates the implementation of the Uniform Relocation Assistance […]
Coordinating Rural Transportation The Center for Independent Living for Western WI (CILWW) has expanded their transportation program to serve 42 of the most rural counties in Wisconsin. Learn about the variety of partners, contracts and collaborations they have including with human services, aging services, Veterans services and managed care organizations among others. Bobbi Hegna, Director […]
Introduction to Transit Service Planning This course seeks to have participants understand the public transit service planning process from concept design thru service implementation to service evaluation. By the end of the course, participants will be able to undertake conceptual service planning including service design/redesign, routing and scheduling, stop design, transit service budgeting and resource […]
Public Involvement in Transportation Decision-Making This course isn’t just about simply accepting the public’s ideas—it’s about strengthening project decision-making, increasing creativity in problem-solving, and making sure project solutions are more durable. This is a highly interactive course that will offer techniques to help participants acknowledge the full spectrum of stakeholders and community members; understand all […]
Is That Route Really the Most Fuel-Efficient Webinar GTFS is split into a schedule component that contains schedule, fare, and geographic transit information and a real-time component that contains arrival predictions, vehicle positions and service advisories. Information about routes, schedules, and fares are represented in basic text files, which means it can be created and […]
Utilizing DOT Data and Mapping Tools for Stronger Grant Applications This one-hour USDOT webinar on Utilizing DOT Data and Mapping Tools for Stronger Grant Applications will spotlight resources and tips for preparing for grant success, provide an overview of available DOT mapping and data tools, and include presentations on the Screening Tool for Equity Analysis […]
Transportation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Lunch and Learn Please join us for our next Transportation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Lunch and Learn Webinar on Wednesday, September 20 from 12:30p to 1:15p Eastern. Our session will feature, Kiana Parker, Transportation Consultant and Community Advocate and Practitioner of Mobility Justice who will discuss experience- driven […]
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Office Hours GTFS is split into a schedule component that contains schedule, fare, and geographic transit information and a real-time component that contains arrival predictions, vehicle positions and service advisories. Information about routes, schedules, and fares are represented in basic text files, which means it can be created and maintained […]
Using NEPA Review to Define and Shape Better Projects Thought Leadership Series Webinar A new thought leadership series on best practices to successfully deliver Bipartisan Infrastructure Law projects sponsored by the USDOT Project Delivery Center of Excellence. Intended for: All Cost: FREE Register Here: Click here
Grant Writing - How to Get Started If you are interested in learning how to tackle a grant or funding application, or would like a refresher, this webinar is for you! Writing a grant or funding application can seem like an impossible task if you have never completed one before. It can seem daunting even […]
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Office Hours GTFS is split into a schedule component that contains schedule, fare, and geographic transit information and a real-time component that contains arrival predictions, vehicle positions and service advisories. Information about routes, schedules, and fares are represented in basic text files, which means it can be created and maintained […]
Client Self-Advocacy Training for Transportation and Mobility Professionals This online training will prepare front-line workers, in particular mobility managers, dispatchers, and schedulers, to be able to fill that role. It will also inform organizational leaders of the value of this type of training for better assisting their clients and passengers. The training covers strategies for […]
NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION The Arkansas Transit Association complies with all civil rights provisions of federal statutes and related authorities that prohibit discrimination in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. Therefore, the Arkansas Transit Association does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age, national origin, religion or disability, Limited English Proficiency (LEP), or low-income status in the admission, access to and treatment in the Arkansas Transit Association 's programs and activities, as well as the Arkansas Transit Association 's hiring or employment practices. Complaints of alleged discrimination and inquiries regarding the Arkansas Transit Association 's nondiscrimination policies may be directed to Ann H. Gilbert (Title VI ADA/504 Coordinator), 620 W. Broadway St., North Little Rock, AR 72114, 501-372-8900, (Voice/TTY 711), or the following email address: [email protected] or Ann H. Gilbert (Title VI ADA/504 Coordinator), [email protected]. Free language assistance for Limited English Proficient individuals is available upon request. This notice is available from the Title VI ADA/504 Coordinator in large print, on audiotape and in Braille.